BC054: Dr. Dédé Tetsubayashi - Building Inclusivity in the Tech Industry

It’s no secret that the tech industry has a diversity problem. Dr. Dédé Tetsubayashi, a product equity, inclusion and tech ethicist, joins to discuss how the lack of representation within tech adversely impacts product equity and user experiences, and how tech companies can be more inclusive. Dr. Dédé also shares how she educates and empowers individuals, groups, and communities through incluu, a Black-woman-owned consultancy transforming organizations to be more inclusive in product design and processes.
Topics Covered:
- How Dr. Dédé got started in the field as a technologist
- Causes for gender and racial gaps in the tech industry
- Barriers to entry for black women in tech
- Resources to support your professional development in tech
- The rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives
- How AI perpetuates racial and gender biases
- How to make AI systems more inclusive
- Why Dr. Dédé founded incluu
- How incluu addresses gender and racial biases in the tech industry
- How incluu helps organizations develop trusting relationships with communities of color
- The business argument for diversity and inclusion
- “If you’re building anything in a vacuum, you will build it for yourself.”
- “You have a larger market share when you build inclusively and for equity.”
Connect with Dr. Dédé:
On her website: http://www.dr-dede.com/
Learn more about incluu at https://www.incluu.us/
By E-mail: info@incluu.us
Other References:
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