BC048: Professor Stacy Hawkins - Discriminatory or Simply Burdensome?
Workplace Dress Codes

Many employers require their employees to follow workplace dress codes. Employers can regulate employees’ clothing, makeup, hairstyles, nails, and more. Your employer might even be able to regulate your weight. Although the line between discriminatory and simply burdensome may seem blurry, today, Professor Stacy Hawkins, Vice Dean and Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School, joins to explain just how far a company dress code can go before crossing into unlawful discrimination.
Topics Covered:
- Defining authenticity
- The importance of bringing your whole Self to the workplace
- How authenticity impacts productivity and company culture
- Identifying discriminatory workplace dress codes
- Hair discrimination in the workplace
- How workplace standards of professionalism discriminate against women of color
- How companies can embrace employee authenticity instead of conformity
- Promoting authenticity in the workplace
- Leading with authenticity
- Deciding when to conform to workplace norms
- How employees can hold their companies accountable for promoting authentic workplaces
- “Authenticity is having the opportunity and ability to live our own truth.”
- “Diversity without inclusion really is not impactful. Diversity without inclusion can be a liability.”
- “Representation matters.”
Connect with Professor Hawkins:
Over E-mail: shawkins@rutgers.edu
On her LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stacy-hawkins-she-her-1a573212/
On Twitter: @stacyhawkinsesq
Other References:
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