BC044: Mother's Day Special
Tomi Akitunde - Motherhood Comes in Many Different Forms

Motherhood and mothering can be complicated, but Tomi Akitunde has built a much needed resource for Black moms: mater mea also known as Black Mom Google. Tomi is an award-winning journalist who founded mater mea, the #1 destination for thoughtful, high quality content that celebrates, supports, and empowers Black moms. mater mea helps Black moms get the answers to their motherhood, life, and career questions through sincere storytelling, expert advice, and community. In this relatable episode, Tomi opens up about her experiences with infertility, why she decided to create an online space for Black moms, how she confronted insecurities as the founder of mater mea, and more.
Topics Covered:
- Why Tomi started mater mea, an online magazine for Black moms
- How mater mea grew to be known as the “Black Mom Google”
- Why Tomi created a space for Black moms specifically
- How mater mea builds community for and empowers Black moms
- Challenges Tomi faced as an entrepreneur
- Tomi’s experience dealing with infertility
- How Tomi has dealt with imposter syndrome and gaslighting culture
- How for years Tomi had been hiding behind mater mea and why she wrote Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself to confront her insecurities as the founder of mater mea
- Tomi’s relationship with her mom
- Celebrating Black motherhood
- “It’s not about work life balance. It’s about work life integration. There is no such thing as work life balance.”
- “It’s really important for me to show that we exist that we are experts of our own sexual health.”
- “When you’re so acculturated to think of rejection as bad instead of just information, imposter syndrome creeps up.”
- “You’re so terrified of people seeing you, that you’ve been hiding.”
- “Your vulnerability will affect someone else in a way that you didn’t even realize.”
Connect with Tomi:
On her website: https://matermea.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MaterMea
On Twitter: @matermea
On Instagram: @matermea
Other References:
- Tomi Akitunde, Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself
- Break Concrete, Episode 31, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Cultivating Unconditional Self-Worth with Dr. Adia Gooden
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