BC023: Ashlee Wisdom - Health in Her HUE:
Prioritizing Black Women's Health

What impact does structural racism have on health outcomes for Black women? Ashlee Wisdom, a writer and healthcare professional, joins to discuss her mission to eliminate racial health disparities through her digital platform, Health in Her HUE. Health in Her HUE connects Black women to culturally competent healthcare providers and health content that centers Black women’s lived experiences. Earlier this year, Serena Williams, selected Ashlee and Health in Her Hue as part of her philanthropic partnership with Vital Voices Global Partnership, which invests in leaders who drive global change.
Topics Covered:
- Ashlee’s motivation for launching Health in Her HUE and challenges she faced when launching
- Health disparities in Black women, the underlying causes, and improving health outcomes
- The impact of institutional racism and provider bias on Black women’s health outcomes
- Ashlee’s and Health In Her HUE’s relationship with Serena Williams
- The prevalence of maternal mortality in Black women
- How Health In Her HUE provides culturally relatable health information
- How Health In Her HUE centers Black women’s lived experiences
- How Health In Her HUE is educating women during the coronavirus pandemic
- Ashlee’s plans to continue building out Health In Her HUE to meet the needs of Black women
- “I want Black women to read health content that speaks to the very nuanced and specific experience that we have by virtue of being Black and women in America.”
- “I was very intentional about naming Black women.”
- “It’s refreshing to know that you believe and have such a strong conviction in something, that you have to get past your fear, and just move forward.”
Connect with Ashlee:
On her website: https://healthinherhue.com/
On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/health-in-her-hue/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HealthInHerHUE/
On Twitter: @healthinherhue
On Instagram: @healthinherhue
Other References:
- Brittney Cooper, Eloquent Rage
- Annie Waldman, How Hospitals Are Failing Black Mothers, ProPublica, December 27, 2017
- NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York City, 2008-2012 Severe Maternal Morbidity
- Yale School of Medicine, Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Population Level Covid-19 Mortality
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