BC020: Jessica Hylton-Leckie - Changing Careers and Pursuing Your Passion

Ready to change your day to day? Jessica Hylton-Leckie shares how she left a career in law to pursue her passion to become an award-winning photographer, videographer, and home chef. Jessica is the CEO and creator of Jessica in the Kitchen, a food blog that focuses on sharing hundreds of nutritious, whole foods based delicious recipes. Her work has been featured on numerous websites and magazines, including Essence, delish, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and Yahoo! We chat about how Jessica changed careers to build a successful brand as a food blogger, advice for women thinking of switching careers, and her suggestions for delicious summer recipes.
Topics Covered:
- How Jessica became involved with food blogging
- How Jessica established her authority in the industry
- Skills Jessica had to learn in her new career
- Jessica’s decision to change careers
- Challenges Jessica faced when starting off as a young entrepreneur
- Advice for women thinking of changing careers
- How Jessica stays motivated and where she draws inspiration
- Generating income as a food blogger
- How Jessica grew her brand
- ”Believe in yourself. The only person that is truly in your way is yourself.”
- “Trust yourself. Your gut always knows.”
Connect with Jessica:
On her website: https://jessicainthekitchen.com/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jessicainthekitchenblog/
On Twitter: @jessinkitchen
On Instagram: @jessicainthekitchen
On Pinterest: @jessicaskitchen
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