BC015: SUMMER SPECIAL - Let's Talk About the B-Word

In this Summer Special, we teamed up with our British sisters from the Black Women Working podcast and we’re talking Bs: burnout, Black Lives Matter, and British work culture compared to the U.S. Black Women Working is a U.K.-based podcast show that highlights the workplace experiences of Black women in the U.K. We chat about how the current events ranging from remote work, coronavirus lockdowns, and racial unrest can lead to burnout and how some of these issues are showing up and impacting Black women in the U.S. and the U.K. We also take a look at the difference in work culture between the U.K. and the U.S. and how Black women professionals can find a happy work life balance.
Topics Covered:
- Defining, recognizing, and dealing with burnout
- How coronavirus, lockdown, and racial unrest can contribute to burnout
- How we internalize pressure to grind
- The landscape in the U.K. and U.S. around coronavirus and lockdowns
- The difference in work culture in the U.K., Europe, and the U.S.
- The landscape in the U.K. and U.S. around policing of Black and brown communities
- The global reaction to Black Lives Matter
- Finding a happy work life balance
- “I want to live life now. I only get one life.” – Tolu
- “One of the special things about being Black is that we have a connectedness. What happens to another person that’s Black regardless of where they are, that happens to me.” – Chantelle
- “Regardless of where I am in the world–whether I am Stateside in the Caribbean, in the UK, in Europe–I will always feel connected to Black people wherever they are because we are one. And there is no way you can see it and ignore it.” – Chantelle
- “As much as the U.S. is racist, the U.K. is racist.” – Tolu
Connect with Black Women Working Podcasters:
On their website: www.blackwomenworking.com
Over E-mail: blackwomenworkinguk@gmail.com
On Twitter: @bwwpodcastuk
On Instagram: @bwwpodcastuk
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