BC013: Titilayo Tinubu Ali - Capitalizing on Your Skills and Owning Your Expertise

In Episode 13, I am pleased to speak with Titilayo Tinubu Ali, founder of Own Your Expertise, a leadership program that helps women professionals claim their voices, communicate their strengths, and step into greater visibility at work and beyond. She coaches emerging leaders and entrepreneurs to land their first clients, turn their first profits, and develop their personal brand. We chat about how professional women of color can move past limiting beliefs, kickstart their business, and live a life of independence.
Topics Covered:
- Freedom that independent consulting can grant women professionally and personally
- How to capitalize on your strengths and skills
- Identifying market opportunities
- How to start building your personal brand
- Moving past limiting beliefs
- Helpful mindset shifts to temper perfectionism
- Knowing the right time to launch your business
- Clarifying your market niche
- Creating a business to align with your values and lifestyle
- “I actually don’t have to carry the weight of all Black women. I can just live my life. And maybe even me just living my life and not carrying that burden of all people is what will serve myself and the world.”
- On deciding when to launch your business: “There always is risk. There’s risk in holding your job actually. There’s risk in everything, but there’s a way to be thoughtful and intentional about it so that you minimize some of that.”
Connect with Titilayo:
On her website: http://ownyourexpertise.co/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OwnYourExpertise/
On Instagram: @titilayo
Over E-mail: support@ownyourexpertise.co
Other References:
- Tara Mohr, Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead
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