BC011: Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett - The Black Woman's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fear

“There is no sin and shame in being anxious and fearful.” In today’s episode, Dr. Angela Neal-Barnett discusses how she helps Black women professionals overcome anxiety, panic, and fear. Dr. Angela is a national award-winning psychologist, professor, and leading expert on anxiety disorders among African Americans. She is the author of the relatable, yet instructive book, Soothe Your Nerves: The Black Woman’s Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Anxiety, Panic, and Fear. We discuss work-related stressors impacting anxiety in Black women, how to recognize the symptoms of anxiety, and strategies for managing and treating anxiety, panic, and fear.
Topics Covered:
- Causes of anxiety in Black women
- The underdiagnosis of anxiety in Black women
- Recognizing signs and symptoms of anxiety, panic, and fear
- Understanding isolated sleep paralysis also known as witch riding
- Strategies for managing and treating anxiety and replacing worry
- Connecting stereotype threat, imposter syndrome, tokenism and anxiety
- Questions to ask when selecting a therapist
- Role of sister circles, positive affirmations, prayer and faith in calming anxiety
- Resources for finding a culturally competent therapist: Therapy for Black Girls, Association of Black Psychologist, Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- “Anxiety is treatable and you can reclaim your life.”
- “Anxiety and fear keep Black women from becoming the person that they are meant to be.”
- “It is our mind that keeps us anxious and makes us internalize what people say.”
- “It doesn’t matter if you are fearful or anxious. What matters is as you begin to learn the tools and learn the techniques, you are able to reclaim your life.”
- “When we give ourselves grace, we are protecting our spirits.”
Connect with Dr. Angela:
On her websites: www.a3bllc.com and https://sites.google.com/view/pradaalab/home
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KSUPRADAA/
By E-mail: pradaalab@gmail.com
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