BC004: Kelli Lawson and Orlena Blanchard - Ending Hair Discrimination

A positive experience of beauty should be accessible to every woman. In this episode, Kelli Joy Richardson Lawson, Founder and CEO of JOY Collective, and Orlena Nwokah Blanchard, President and COO of JOY Collective join me to chat about how they are mobilizing across the country to end discrimination based on hair texture and hairstyles in the workplace and public schools with the CROWN Act.
Topics Covered:
- The CROWN Act and the movement to ban hair discrimination
- Defining hair discrimination and hair bias
- Findings from the 2019 Dove CROWN study about the magnitude of racial discrimination women experience in the workplace based on natural hairstyles
- Distinctions between hair texture and hairstyle
- Stereotypes about natural hairstyles
- Defining beauty, hair inclusivity
- Intergenerational discussions around natural hair and beauty
- States passing the CROWN Act
Resources: Find out more about the CROWN Act at www.thecrownact.com and the 2019 Dove Crown study at https://www.thecrownact.com/research
- “A positive experience of beauty should be accessible to every woman.”
Connect with Kelli and Orlena:
On their website: www.joycollective.com
On Twitter: @aJOYcollective
On Instagram: @wearejoycollective and @thecrownact
Other References:
- @dove, @DrTinaOpie, @ACLU, @adjoabasomoah
- #TheCROWNAct led by #CROWNCoalition, #esiegglestonbracey, #deltadays, #senatorhollymitchell, #deltasigmatheta, #alphakappaalpha, #hairinclusivity
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